How the average female body used to be before the industrial revolution?


I think you mix up what today we would call training or fitness, and manual labour e.g. on a field in former times. Also as pointed out in the comments, the food was not "healthy and natural". Mostly it was one sided and lacking many components you need to build up muscles.

So it can be assumed people were more often thin to underweight.

Their teeth were in contrary to common believe quite good. As the only widespread form of sweetening was (expensive) honey, people had less problems with caries. The teeth were often grinded down so their chewing surface was even, leaving less space for caries bacteria to settle down. Also white teeth were a major ideal of beauty in the middle ages, so it can be assumed people tried to care for them. What may have occurred more often would be missing teeth, as the only known medical treatment was extraction. (

Their skin should have been much more wrinkled and darker, as to long exposure to direct sunlight when working on the fields.

Addressing the average breast size we have no direct clue. Paintings only show the ideal of a time, and poor peoples fashion was not designed to fit tight so there is not much evidence in here. What can be suspected is, that women had more children which were breastfed. In poorer homes for an average of two years ( So it is possible that breasts of middle ages lower class women tended to mammary ptosis in earlier years.

Disclaimer: I just took an medieval peasant woman as an example. Other professions in other times may have looked totally different. Also I'm not an expert in that matter - It's only a couple of ideas that seemed logical to me.

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