How did people say “I have to go to the bathroom” before the bathroom and pipes were common?


Accepted answer

As with today, there were many different terms used in medieval times and what a little girl would have said would have depended very much on her upbringing / social background and perhaps the immediate environment in which she found herself.

She could just use the verb piss as it was not considered vulgar until circa. 1760. Here are a few possibilities (nouns) where she could go (this is one verb used with at least some of the nouns below):

  • go to siege, presumably related to the French siege, meaning 'seat', and probably used by those of high social standing such as knights. The use of siege is also mentioned in Christopher Coredon & Ann Williams, A Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases).
  • privy, as in "it would be more decent to go to the common privies of the city", from an incident in 1307 when a king's groom was confronted by two Londoners for urinating on a side street. The use of privy dates back to around 1225. The Dominican monk Felix Faber of Ulm, writing about his travels as a pilgrim between 1480 and 1483, advises fellow pilgrims to "go to the privies three or four times every day" (cited in The Porcelain God: A Social History of the Toilet by Julie L. Horan). John Lydgate, in Pilgrimage of the Life of Man (translated from the French c.1475), mentions "goyng to pryvee".
  • she might ask for a chambre coi (chamber pot) (OFr. coi < L quietus = quiet, at rest). Chamber pots were also known as originals, jerrys and pisse-pots.

enter image description here

Medieval Chamber Pot (1300-1500), Yorkshire Museum collection

  • eas*m*nt room or chamber of eas*m*nt, a euphemism of the time.
  • longaigne (in a castle), "usually opening directly into a ditch below...being always open to the outside, they were a weak point of defence during a siege"
  • rere-dorter, meaning literally 'at the rear of the dormitory' in, for example, a monastery. It was sometimes referred to as necessarium (the necessary).
  • necessary house (nidhus). One such was built by Henry I's wife Matilda; it emptied into the Thames.
  • garderobe, "small room for keeping robes and clothing. Later, it was used euphemistically of a privy or latrine; these were sometimes built into a thick wall, directly above a moat."
  • pissyngholes, a colloquialism cited with reference to toilets in York over the Ouse bridge.
  • gong-hus "Lit. ‘going-house’". The use of the words gong and gang date back to at least the high middle ages with one meaning being go (verb) and a going (noun). Chaucer mentions a commune gong in the Canterbury Tales. The Anglo-Saxons had many variants using gong or gang:

a gangpytt (‘going-pit’), gangeen (‘going place’), gangsetl (‘going-seat’), and gangtun (‘going-yard’), or an utgang (‘outgoing’), forthgang, and earsgang (‘arse-going’).

Source: David Crystal, 'Words in Time and Place: Exploring Language Through the Historical Thesaurus of the Oxford English Dictionary' (2014)

  • chamber foreign. "This is foreign in the sense of ‘out of doors’. Within a few years of its first recorded usage, we see it abbreviated to foreign (1303). Chaucer, in The Legend of Good Women (c.1385), describes a tower that ‘was joining in the wall to a foreign’ (line 1962, in the story of Ariadne)."

Unless Shakespeare (writing in the early modern period) used an anachronism, water was used in the middle ages to refer to urine; this appears in his play Henry IV (d. 1413). Jonathan Swift (1667 - 1745) is cited by Samuel Johnson, "Go to bed, after you have made water", but I can't confirm if this was used in medieval times.

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