Where in the Pali Canon are there Discussions on Reanimated Corpse?


The following appears in the Patika Sutta, DN 24:1.7-10 (iii 8-10) (Walshe, Long Discourses of the Buddha, pp. 373f):

"The Buddha invites Sunakkhatta to verify this [referring to Korakkhattiya's rebirth as an asura) for himself, which he does by performing an act of what amounts to necromancy—the magical art of divining using corpses—with the corpse of Korakkhattiya, which he finds thrown aside on a heap of grass in a charnel ground. Striking the body three times with his hand, Sunakkhatta cries out, “Friend Korakkhattiya, do you know your fate?” The corpse sits up, rubs his back with his hand, and says, “Friend Sunakkhatta, I know my fate. I have been reborn among the Kalakanja asuras.” The corpse then falls back, dead once more. This type of divination was reputedly performed by witches and sorcerers in Europe during the Middle Ages, and is clearly a universal archetype. Afterward, the Buddha reminds Sunakkhatta of his complaint that the Buddha has not performed a miracle. Sunakkhatta admits that he has, and leaves the sangha in disgrace." (Duncan, Conversations with the Buddha, pp. 268f.).

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