Is Pope Francis with or against LGBT?


Your question is quite a basic one so let me try to cover some basic principles.

First, the question of being "with or against" LGBT is seriously oversimplifying the situation. There is much more to this than simply "is h*m*sexuality good or bad?"

The Catholic church's position is and has been that h*m*sexual sex acts and same-sex marriage are contrary to God's will. That is not the same as being "against LGBT". Someone with a h*m*sexual orientation is not more sinful, or less loved by God, because of that. Pope Francis as Pope agrees with that.

What Francis is mainly talking about is the attitude of the church, and individual Christians, to people with h*m*sexual orientation. Some churches take an attitude of nothing but condemnation, rejecting such people and everything to do with them outright, and distancing themselves in every way. What Pope Francis appears to be arguing for is an approach that admits God's love for those of h*m*sexual orientation (as indeed God has love for everyone), and is tempered with understanding and compassion for the difficulties they face, and the potential for forgiveness. This can be done while not changing the doctrine of the church.

As for the churches you have heard about that conduct gay marriages, those are almost certainly not Catholic. A number of churches believe that h*m*sexual marriage is permissible, but the Catholic church is not one.

Just to add that the 'T' in LGBT raises an entirely different set of issues, and if you want to know about it you should ask a separate question.

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