Does Pope Francis want Catholics to pray both new prayers at the end of the Rosary or just one or the other?


It is obvious by the text that the Holy Father is encouraging the faithful to recite both prayers at the end of the Rosary. However, the pope is simply making this a recommendation in order to help end the pandemic of the covid-19 situation. The faithful may say one or the other, maybe even both of them or neither one at all.

Some are already praying the Holy Rosary to help end the coronavirus pandemic, without these two suggested prayers of Pope Francis. Some will no doubt continue to do so as that is what they are accustomed to do.

As for myself, I will be making the invocation (3 times) Sancta Corona, ora pro nobis (St. Corona, pray for us) at the end of each decade during the Marian Month of May. St. Corona’s Feast day fall mid way during this month (May 14).

For myself, I prefer something that is simple and neither has to be read or memorized.

Nota Bene: On May 3,2020, Pope Francis asked β€˜believers of all religions’ to pray, fast, engage in charitable works on May 14 (Vatican Press Office) which happens to be the feast day of St. Corona!

Pope Francis never mentioned any connection that the May 14th date was also the feast day of St. Corona.

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