Where does St. Bernard say persons of opposite sex contemplating each other without sinful desires arising in them is greater than a resurrection?


Accepted answer

St. Alphonsus of Liguori, Dignity & Duties of the Priest, pt. 2, instruction 2 "The Chastity of the Priest", II. "Means of Preserving Chastity":

St. Bernard has written, that to be familiar with a woman and to preserve chastity require greater virtue than to raise a dead man to life.

It comes from a St. Bernard sermon on the Song of Songs (In Cant. s. 65.):

Cum femina semper esse, et non cognoscere feminam, nonne plus est quam mortuum suscitare?
[lit.:] To always be with a woman, and not to know the woman, is this not greater than raising the dead?

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