What do Chinese Christians wear to a Western or Chinese Christian funeral?


Christianity does not claim or recommend any color for funerals. The bible does not claim or recommend any color for funerals. Wear whatever you want.

If anything, Christianity might teach to avoid traditional wear at funerals, whatever the local tradition may be. Funeral wear, such as Western black, is generally seen as a sign of mourning. While we may mourn the fact that those who remain behind are for a time denied the company of the deceased, if the individual was a believer this should be an occasion of ultimate triumph for that person. "To live is Christ. To die is gain.", and thus such outward signs of mourning could deny our hope for the deceased.


It might depend on the church and the individuals. I attended a Chinese church one time and people wore all sorts of colours to them. Sometimes black, sometimes white, and anything in between. I don't think the church I went to was very superstitious in that regard.

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