Can open monitoring meditation lead to states of Jhana?


Accepted answer

I think the answer to your question is perhaps. As you mentioned the OMM method is fundamentally watching/observing subjective phenomena without reacting or getting involved with, i.e., being aware of the present moment. Therefore, thoughts and certain emotions can be considered distraction from concentrated effort. but also the OMM method alludes to the idea of knowing vs. doing. the act of ‘doing’ implies getting involved with (chasing after), while the act of ‘knowing’ indicates observing passively.
I was able to dig up a useful guide posted on BSE a while back that talks about how to obtain jhana. The guide states quite clearly that ‘being aware of the present moment’ is very important for getting jhana. It also makes the point that one cannot will themselves into the jhana state, but instead must ‘let go’. This also implies that there is a knowing-doing axis.
One thing the article mentions is the importance of mindfulness of breath. basically, one cannot get jhana without that kind of skill. You mention that you have difficulty with mindfulness of breath; as do I. It might be common amongst people who are very cerebral. Sometimes I get very tense focusing on the breath, especially the outflow. This interrupts the tranquility of the mind and body along with one’s concentration. You will have to do breathing exercises and also be more mindful of breath outside of meditation. Think of it as a skill that needs to be developed.


No, and for a couple of reasons. Specifically, jhana requires one pointedness (ekagatta). Open monitoring as you describe is diffuse and has no real persistent object for the mind to settle on. There is a state - the Pali name escapes me now - which is categorized by mindfulness of the mental stream. This practice doesn't lead to conventional jhana, but upon the achievement of stream entry dependent on insight manifests as supramundane 1st jhana as a path and fruition factor. Basically, the mind gravitates toward jhana upon the realization of the supramundane path even if the practices leading to it didn't include mundane jhana. Think of it as a kind of default consciousness that arises when wisdom (prajna) matures.

This is all described in the Abhidhamma Dhammasagani if you're interested in being bored with minutia. Or not. Some of it is helpful, but it's slow going at best.


"My question is, will the OMM lead to the states of Jhana?"

Yes, of course, absolutely you can use your technique to move into the first jhana.Use OMM to calm your body and mind down somewhat: to release you from whatever activities or trains of thought you were pursuing. 

Then, as the Buddha frequently said, "Go, Do Jhana."

"and What will be the first stage towards it?"

The first stage towards it will be doing the "directed thought and evaluation" of the first jhana. Thinking instead of trying to not think. First you try and calm and center yourself with OMM, then you do the first jhana.

Ajaan Geoff's latest contribution to mankind is "Undaunted." You might find it useful in your journey. Good luck!

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