Nothing would happen to buddha, as he has understood the reality of this world, in other words as he has realized the four noble truth. Buddha will just pay sad for this woman as she is blinded with klesha in her mind.
But for that woman, she will get bad karma if she does it with bad thoughts (ragha, dwesha, moha).
Any one can touch buddha but there is nothing happening special.
Buddha haven't "Keles" means
No attraction No feeling (sad love ext) No any impression only patient
meaning is likely can our|you mind mix with Water or any material.this is only simple description .and what are you asking is very deep but simply buddha is treat all living thins same.no any touch only patient
No one can touch the Buddha, Tatagatha, good householder, if not gained Arahat-ship, or at least the Dhamma temporary by oneselves, not even see.
If a woman touches, was able to touch the Buddha, she is called a Arahat, or at least Noble One, if just temporary.
(Note: This is not given for stackes, exchange, other trades, binding in the world, but to escape from this wheel)