Cuban medical internationalism


USSR trained a lot of foreign students - going so far as creating a special university for that. Education for citizens of client states was free - this was one of the forms of support, like, e.g., selling oil below market prices (which Cuba re-exported at a handsome profit) or buying their products (like Cuban sugar) above market prices.

Castro made the Cuban medical system the showcase of socialist success (like classical ballet and the space program in the USSR) - getting free medical education in the USSR and "re-exporting" it as "medical internationalism".


Castro make the cuban medical system the showcase of socialist success. He prepared the educational system to make more medical. See chart at the end source.

In fact the export of cuban medical is a one of the big business Castro made. For example in the case of Angola and Venezuela where you can find a big amount of cuban medical the gov of these country are paying for this service now days around of $2,500 usd/month by each doctor to the cuban government and this medical just receive around $100 usd by moth, then you can see the profit generated by this "internationalism".

The same apply to other fields like education and sport training.

From my experience when I lived in La Havana, was very common go to the hospital and the specialist was in mission(how it's called in Cuba when a medical go to other country sent by the gov), and I had to return to my home without medical atention

Recent News: Cuban doctor in Brazil triggers diplomatic tiff

Cuba has a population around the 11,2 million(2012)

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