Any history to the current flag used by ISIL?


Accepted answer

The flag is known as the Black Standard of Muhammad. There are many variants of the flag, and as far as I can tell the variant used by ISIS is original, but other variants have been used by many groups before.

The flag can either be a pure black flag, or it may have the Shahada ("There is no god but Allah. Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.") printed on it in white.

  • A pure black flag was used by the Abassid Caliphate from the 8th century through the 16th, the Hotaki Empire in the 18th century, and Afghanistan in the late 19th century.

Black Standard
PaD - Public Domain

  • An inverted Black Standard is used by the Taliban.

Taliban flag
Lexicon - Public Domain

  • Several different variants have been used by modern Islamist and jihadist groups, including al-Qaeda, al-Shabaab, and the Islamic Courts Union.

al-Qaeda flag
Lexicon - Public Domain

  • And a variant of the flag is used by ISIL.

ISIL flag
Yascine - Public Domain

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