Why is there a Pegasus on Huey Long's grave?


The Pegasus on Huey Long's tombstone is a symbolic autobiography of himself.

If we can set aside mythology, and look to the more obvious, Pegasus was truly a horse of a different color. After all, a white horse (genetically speaking) is a very rare breed. That is how this powerhouse of a man saw himself, a very rare individual.


The Pegasus is not a creature to be invoked without intent for its mythological significance to be added to whatever symbol it is on. The Pegasus, on a general level without getting into specific myths, is a steed for heroes- a gift from the gods to help noble men do right. In this use of Pegasus, the horse is wrapped around the banner "share our wealth," an iconic phrasing of Long's political philosophy. The Pegasus helps to portray Long as hero, with a "divine"(virtuous) mission.


There is no special significance to the choice of engravings other than the artistic sense of the sculptor, Charles Keck. Pegasus is the symbol of apotheosis. The martyr-like death of Long may have inspired the choice of symbology. Also, note that a giant Pegasus was installed on top of the Magnolia Building in Dallas in 1934 (the headquarters of Mobile Oil) and dominated the skyline of the city.

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