Translate few Pali sentences


Maybe you know this already.

It's quoted in this document:

Here's a screenshot of the page:

enter image description here

According to that it's AN 4.32 i.e. after AN 4.31 (Cakka sutta) and before AN 4.33 (Siha sutta).

Here are those on suttacentral:

enter image description here

But the Pali text translated in AN 4.32 on Suttacentral isn't the same (and is much shorter).

You might get a reply by asking the author. There's an email address on the last page of the document, and another though similar email address on the translated home page of -- where they offer lessons in Pali (listed as "2023 Event Information").


As far as I know there's no complete English translation of the AN commentary. My Pali isn't very good, so I pieced this together with my handy dictionary. Rough translation:

Equanimity means the state of being impartial towards pleasure and pain. Some, even when receiving donations/generosity, do not feel satisfaction. They sit in one place, lie down on one side (on a simple mat), and eat food from one bowl. Equanimity is achieved in this way. If a householder has similar virtue to one who has left the householder life and entered a state of being homeless, this equanimity can be achieved by them.

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