Is there an online copy of English translation of Pramanavarttika of Shri Dharmakirthi?


Accepted answer

Yes, there are quite a few trasnlations available in ENglish, by reputed scholars of the field. The book has a total of five chapters. SOme works cover individual chapters like Tom J.F. Tilleman's translation, which is of the fourth chapter or Nagatomi's PhD disstertation which is a translation work of the first chapter. Another scholar by the name of John D. Dunne has some parts translated, in his book titiled Foundations of Dharmakirti's Philosophy. There is a translation by Mookerjee and Nagasaki. There is an e-text by MOtoi Ono. Then there are some translations that include the commentary. But to be able to access good translations, you would very likely need UNiversity access or individual subscriptions. Books are more easily available.

Edit: You may find the following link useful.


Here is a chapter.

I didn't see any full translations, but you can find bits like this, also like the second chapter you found.

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