Is Atma energy?


Accepted answer

Biological bodies are a kind of machine with an engine, so to speak. Just as a car uses oxygen to burn chemical energy (petrol), and then convert it to kinetic energy, the biological body too uses oxygen from breath, to convert chemical energy originating from food into other types of energy. The brain, the nervous system and endocrine system regulate the biological body systems, while the circulatory system circulates oxygen bound to red blood cells across the body, and collects the waste.

When any part of the body becomes diseased or damaged in such a way that the operation of this engine fails, the body stops generating the type of energy that keeps it alive and running. There is no supernatural energy that keeps it alive.

The counter the argument, you can also state the fact that healthy and fit people are more energetic than sedentary healthy people, while sedentary healthy people are more energetic than ill people. So, does this mean that the Atma changes based on the health status?


If we describe Atma as flow of thoughts in mind, we can say thoughts have an energy as according to chitta niyama, thoughts control the things in world..that means thoughts have energy ,so atma also has energy.. When flow of thoughts or Vinnana or atma departs from us, we call that as death, so that atma is also not a certain thing in us, Due to that Buddha said world is anatatma..Like that we can describe atma as an uncertain energy..There may occur some differences of this definition according to the way we describe what's atma


It's like asking if superman is an elf? The question itself is invalid. Atma does not exist and energy does not exist according to Buddhism. All you have are momentary experiences rising and dying instantly. They are of six kinds: seeing, hearing, smelling. tasting, touching and thinking.

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