Are there detailed Buddhist teachings on/about energy (viriya)?


Buddha's many life stories are about the teaching of energy. More information from Wikipedia.


Energy in science is tejo, form, in Buddhism.

The encouragement is indriya and bala in Buddhism. This is the method of jhāna meditation. It was used before the Buddha enlightened by jhāna practitioner. However, the enlightenment of Buddhism is jāna, supra-mundane jhana (lokuttara), as well, so the encouragement was mentioned in tipitaka and atthakatha as leading to the cessation of dukka.

For every 5 encouragements, see lakkhaṇādicatukka in the path of purification, some in aggregates lesson and some in kasiṇa lesson.


As I hear it daily, energy is the antidote to laziness:

Furthermore, a mendicant lives with energy roused up for giving up unskillful qualities and gaining skillful qualities. They are strong, staunchly vigorous, not slacking off when it comes to developing skillful qualities. --dn33/en/sujato (Tens)

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