What's the relationship between Solomon's Temple and Christians?


The idea that the Third Temple is necessary for the return of Christ appears to be related to Dispensationalism, which Wikipedia describes as a "Christian evangelical, futurist, Biblical interpretation". According to Wikipedia:

Dispensationalists believe that the nation of Israel is distinct from the Christian Church,[2]:322 and that God has yet to fulfill his promises to national Israel. These promises include the land promises, which in the future world to come result in a millennial kingdom and Third Temple where Christ, upon his return, will rule the world from Jerusalem[3] for a thousand years. In other areas of theology, dispensationalists hold to a wide range of beliefs within the evangelical and fundamentalist spectrum.[1]:13 (emphasis mine)


Since Christianity believes that Christ is the Messiah that completes the Jewish prophecy, they also view the entire corpus of Old Testament history as part of Christian history - which is why it makes up half the Bible. As a major construction in the past built to specifications given by God, Solomon's temple is thus of historical interest to Christians. Building a duplicate might be extreme, but it isn't strange that a Christian sect would look back on Old Testament events like Moses, the Ark, or Solomon.

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