How would a date be written on a German manuscript circa 1445?


If the manuscript was created in a religious house, then the manuscript would probably be written in Latin, and dates would probably be written in Roman numerals. This example shows the record of the heresy trial of Johann von Wesel in 1479. Note that the date at the top of folio 1 recto was truncated when the manuscript was bound.

There seem to be few examples of 15th-century German manuscripts available online. There are some nice examples of 15th-century German manuscripts in the collection of the Bodleian library, although none of the online examples appear to show dates.

Even when the text was written in German, it is likely that dates would be written in Roman Numerals as well as "Arabic" numerals, as illustrated by the Mckell Medical Almanack, which is dated c. 1445.

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