How were Icelandic bishops elected before the union with Norway?


Accepted answer

At least two processes were used, according to Byock's Viking Age Iceland.

Bishops were at sometimes elected at the Althing. This was the case for Iceland's first bishop, Isleif, in 1055; in 1056 he traveled to be consecrated by the archbishop of Hamburg-Bremen. Isleif's eldest son Gizur was also elected bishop at the Althing, and also traveled to be consecrated, this time at Magdeburg.

After the second bishopric was created at HΓ³lar, its first bishop Jon Ogmundarson was instead chosen "by the clergy and laymen of the Northern Quarter". He was consecrated in 1106 by the archbishop of Lund.


The Vatican decides who becomes bishops, they were elected by the Vatican or people sent by the Vatican

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