What happened to Soviet POWs taken by non-German armies on WW2 Eastern front?


Have you found this? It says that most POWs captured by Hungarian forces were handed over to the Germans. The rest were treated badly in general.

The Hungarian Occupation Forces had an auxiliary role in the German POWโ€™s policy. These Hungarian units had no POWโ€™s policy because their activity served the realization of German orders only. Therefore they participated in the destruction of Soviet prisoners of war.

The policy of the 2nd Army was ambivalent... Despite of the fact, that these Hungarian troops had to transfer their POW's to the Germans, the Hungarian commanders kept the thousands of prisoners back in the rear area of the 2nd Army. The most important factor of the POWโ€™s policy was the work of prisoners. The treatment of prisoners depended on more ad hoc aspect, e.g. the mentality of the local Hungarian commanders, the amount of the supply, and the operational situation.

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