Eastern Europeans integration in the USA politics


Accepted answer

Quite successful, in the cases where they could muster the talent and connections required.

The person who leaps to mind here is Dan Rostenkowsi, who for a decade when I was a kid was arguably the most powerful man in Washington as Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee*. His Grandfather immigrated from Tuchola, Poland, and his father was an Alderman in Chicago. That's essentially 1st generation Polish-American going straight into local politics, and 2nd into national.

Other notables who were actual immigrants are Carter's National Security Advisor Zbignew Brzezinski (Warsaw), and Clinton's State Department head Madeline Albright (Prague). Bernie Sanders' father was born in Poland as well.

Wikipedia has long lists of US politicians of Polish Descent and Czech descent, a smaller one for those of Serbian descent, and an incomplete list for Russian descent.

* - This House committee was parodied in Eddie Murphy's movie Distinguished Gentleman as "The Power Committee". Its head met roughly the same end as Rostenkowski.

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