The standard KJV module for The Word. available to download from the page given or as part of a standard install of the module, is red letter. The format is not the best for your purposes though. Red letter text is indicated by <FR> ... <Fr>
, unfortunately there are a lot of other markup codes you would have to deal with.
Here is an example:
Jesus<WG2424> said<WG5346> unto him<WG846>, <FR>It is written<Fr><WG1125><FR> again<Fr>
<WG3825><FR>, <Fr><FR><FO>Thou shalt<Fo><Fr><WG1598><FR><FO> not<Jesus<WG2424>
said<WG5346> unto him<WG846>, <FR>It is written<Fr><WG1125><FR> again<Fr><WG3825><FR>,
<Fr><FR><FO>Thou shalt<Fo><Fr><WG1598><FR><FO> not<Fo><Fr><WG3756><FR><FO> tempt<Fo>
<Fr><WG1598><FR><FO> the Lord<Fo><Fr><WG2962><FR><FO> thy<Fo><Fr><WG4675><FR><FO>
God<Fo><Fr><WG2316><FR><FO>.<Fo><Fr><RF>tempt: or, try, or, put to trial, or,
proof<Rf>Fo><Fr><WG3756><FR><FO> tempt<Fo><Fr><WG1598><FR><FO> the Lord<Fo><Fr><WG2962>
<FR><FO> thy<Fo><Fr><WG4675><FR><FO> God<Fo><Fr><WG2316><FR><FO>.<Fo><Fr><RF>tempt: or,
try, or, put to trial, or, proof<Rf>
Under Downloads -> Tools and technical docs you can find a .doc description of the format, special modules to help/test indexing and placement of verses, etc.
I tried a DDG search; the first four hits seem to be possibilities. Check out the third, where user iluke says he has the kjv in mysql. It's near impossible to know who's got red-letter markup and who doesn't, though.