Do we find any (even hazy) references in non-Jewish traditions about Jesus, as promised saviour?


In his book, Eternity in Their Hearts, Don Richardson details what he calls "A World Prepared for the Gospel", which is the title of the first section of the book.

People of the Lost Book

Chapter 2 is entitled "Peoples of the Lost Book", which details tribes that bemoan the fact that their ancestors had lost "the book" from God. Some of them looked forward to the day when this book would be restored.

People with Strange Customs

Chapter 3 speaks is entitled "Peoples with Strange Customs", which detail the customs of very remote tribes with strikingly similarities to things in the Bible. In Don Richardson's own experience as a missionary to a remote tribe, he identifies the custom of the "Peace Child". When he presents Jesus as God's peace child, the tribe responds to the Gospel in a powerful way.

The Ancient Chinese

The ancient Chinese also have some interesting writings from Lao Tze and others. Prior to Mao Tse Tung, the emperor actually offered what was called the Border Sacrifice every year in the Temple of Heaven. This closely resembles the offering of the Jewish High Priest once a year for the sins of the people.

The Chinese alphabet itself has some extraordinary parallels to Genesis 1-11. Interestingly enough, the word for righteousness is a combination of two other characters--the word for Lamb and the word for me. Righteousness is a lamb over/covering me.

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