Looking for a Catholic Arabic bible


Actually, there are quite a few Catholic and Orthodox translations around. You may find them in Lebanese bookstores, e.g.:

Librairie Antoine


You can easily find them in Catholic bookstores in Lebanon, too.


First of all, there are several Bibles in Arabic available online at www.archive.org. As I do not know Arabic, you might need to check whether they include the Deuterocanonical books or not.

According to Wikipedia, there has been three versions of the bible in Arabic done by Catholics. The first one, in 1671, published in Rome. I doubt this is sold online anywhere.

The second was done by the Jesuits of Lebanon/Beirut in 1880. A reprint was made later on. The publisher's website is here. But actually, you can buy that bible from the Bible Society in Lebanon, here (source of this suggestion here).

Finally, albeit not Catholic, the Bible Society published in 1992 the "Today's Arabic Version with Deuterocanonicals". Some shops that sell it are listed here (albeit the page is old). It might be the same as this one, but you might want to ask.

I am surprised of the very few translations available!

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