Which denominations follow prosperity theology?


Accepted answer

This a good question but at the same time it is difficult to make a list of all the denominations. Many Christians and Denominations believe in Prosperity theology but not necessarily included in their core doctrines. Some notable ones being Word of Faith and other Pentecostal Denominations.

Let's give one example.

David Yonggi Cho, a Korean pastor of the world's largest congregation church, Yoido Full Gospel Church affiliated with the Assemblies of God , is known for his teachings about prosperity. He emphasizes giving Tithe, Offerings and Seed Faith. "The more you give to God, the more you get" is one of his teachings. His words as mentioned in Wikipedia:

"We must rethink our misguided thoughts considering material wealth as being equated with sin. We must drive out our subconsciously rooted thoughts of poverty, condemnation and despair. God acts in concordance with our conscience; If our thoughts are filled with poverty and despair, God bless us with material blessing."

He is famous for his strange teaching about the "Fourth Dimension". He teaches that we need to learn how turn On our spiritual tap of blessings which is from the fourth dimension and that we need to practice how to exercise our faith in this matter in order to get spiritual and material blessings.

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