The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America went through a deliberation process on whether to change its restrictions against non-celibate h*m*sexual pastors, culminating in a vote in 2009. Some of the documents prepared by the ELCA to argue for this change sound very similar to what you have typed. Here is one such document, "Journeying Faithfully Together". Here is their summary page on "Historical Resources" on the topic. Individual congregations went further, some signing on to a Reconciled in Christ program, which raises similar themes.
Another reference is the book, Sexual Fulfillment: For Single and Married, Straight and Gay, Young and Old, written by a former bishop, Herbert Chilstrom. The summary includes Chilstrom's comment that for people of all orientations,
... sex is a gift from God, intended, in spite of our broken world, for our enjoyment and fulfillment.
I've not seen any major denomination which has not had at least one substantial block that believed in something along the lines of what you call "queer theology." That said, that is most publicly accepted by the Episcopals, who have openly h*m*sexual bishops. It is also a very common opinion among Congregationalists, but that is not surprising as much of their doctrine is dictated on a congregation-by-congregation level. (If you believe Quakers to be Christian, then they too should be considered to accept it on a meeting house-by-meeting house level)
The major divisions of Methodists, Presbyterians, Baptists, and Lutherans take stances opposed to h*m*sexuality in the clergy. This means that while individual congregations can vary, the general rule is that "queer theology" has no official place in those churches.
Roman Catholicism and the various forms of Eastern and Oriental Orthodox groups are decidedly opposed to that view.
The following information is available on the internet it is easy to find LGBTQIA accepting churches in todays modern world. The Bible is not h*m*phobia and God accepts all people. Male, female, intersex and trans.