Who rejects prosperity theology?


Prosperity Theology (aka "Health and Wealth Gospel") is primarily a perjorative term. Even many who in actuality are subscribing to a "Gospel" characterized by God finanicially and healthfully "blessing" people witha strict moral code, they would be loathe to use the term.

Indeed, other than some Pentecostals and Charismatics, the general tenets of a Prosperity Theology would definitely have ben rejected by almost all of the Patristic Church Fathers, and the promulgation would have been considered a pre-Chalcedonian heresy which would be rejected by pretty much everybody.

This charge is specifically is why Evangelicals like John Piper would call out popular preachers like Joel Osteen or why Pope Francis would distance himself from the same. Evangelicals like Brian Zhand and liverals like Brian McLaren are in agreement that it is inconsistent with the call of Jesus.

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