Is there a name for a stronger version of Pascal's Wager in which one wagers that continuationism is true?


Blaise Pascal (1623 - 1662) was a Frenchman who had what he described as "a definitive conversion" in 1654, to Christian faith. He wrote his conversion experience on a piece of parchment which was sewn into his coat, so profound was it. It is alleged that a mystical vision was involved. Perhaps that, and what he later wrote about how to understand faith and conversion might cause some to link that to belief in 'continuationism' - that miraculous gifts of the Spirit did not cease with the death of the last Apostle.

Pascal was convinced that reason could only take one so far. Faith must come as a gift of God's grace. Science and reason might get one close to faith, but it could not actually bring anyone to faith. Only God can do that. That, in itself does not support continuationism. Most Reformed Protestants would agree entirely with what Pascal said there, yet they are mainly cessasionists. Further, many Christians who have themselves had visionary or miraculous experiences remain as cessasionists. There is much misunderstanding about various beliefs in Christianity regarding the miraculous gifts of the Spirit the Apostles had, and works of the Spirit globally throughout the centuries. But this is not the place to delve into that. Suffice to say that the "three possible outcomes for this wager" involve some misunderstandings, such as that one.

Another misunderstanding is what Pascal's Wager actually is. He wrote that God can be known through Jesus Christ by an act of faith, itself given by God. Man's need for God is made evident by his misery apart from God, who may only be known by faith. However, there is plenty of evidence to support belief - fulfilled prophecies, miracles, the witness of history, the self-authentication of Scripture etc. He wrote that,

"We come to know the truth not only by reason, but still more so through our hearts... The heart has its reasons, which the reason does not know."

It might not be surprising, therefore, that people who do not have that kind of faith but who are keenly interested in "experiencing the supernatural" would home in on Pascale as a champion of continuationism. It would not be surprising either that those who disdain the idea of God and Christ, and faith in God, should latch on to a modern distortion of what has commonly become known as "Pascale's Wager". The popular sound-bite version has been simplified by objectors, to avoid its real issues. Those are side-stepped in order to present Pascale as being not much better than an unbeliever, or to view the matter of God's existence as an unresolved question, best settled by a gamble - safer to place your 'bet' on God existing so that, if he does, you'll benefit if that turns out to be the truth, whereas if you dismiss the idea of God, it will be the worse for you when you discover he's real.

Unfortunately, all the foregoing means that what this question presents is really a weaker form of Pascal's Wager, not a stronger one, because the matter of continuationism is a spiritual cul-de-sac here. Pascal's conversion to faith in God, through Christ, whether bound up with a vision or not, cannot be used as a case to argue for continuationism. Most cessasionists would embrace Pascale as their spiritual brother, and say "Amen" to what he wrote about faith being a gift from God etc.

There have been various variations on Pascale's Wager, but I have never heard of one linking it to continuationism, let alone seeking to so modify it that continuationism becomes the basis of the 'wager'. But my lack of knowing that proves nothing. If someone has heard of a similar theory, their answer would be interesting to read.

Source for much of the above,

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