Is there a name for The God Who Hears?


Accepted answer

You are close: 'El Shama is what you are looking for. Shama means "to hear" (Strong's) and is found in Psalm 17:6, as you mention. Furthermore, the name Ishmael is derived from these two words:

And the angel of the Lord said to her, β€œBehold, you are pregnant and shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, because the Lord has listened to your affliction. (Genesis 16:11 (ESV))

The ESV note specifically says, "Ishmael means God hears," and so does Strong's Concordance.

There's also the name "Elishama," meaning "God has heard," which belongs to several Israelites listed in the genealogies of the OT (e.g., Numbers 1:10 and 1 Chronicles 2:41).

The "Shammah" rendering you saw may be due to the pronunciation; Strong's gives the phonetic spelling of Shama as "shaw-mah."

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