How do I find Jesus in everything?


Accepted answer


One of the biggest helps I have had in this area comes from a book by John Piper called God is the Gospel. In one of the chapters, I believe its Chapter 5 Delighting in God Delighting in Us, he discusses the idea that our pleasures don't compete with God but should draw us to God. If a spouse gives you a wonderful & thoughtful gift, the gift is nice, but the purpose of the gift is really to draw your heart to your spouse and vice versa. In the same way, God wants us to enjoy all his gifts, and as we enjoy them, we should be appreciating the God who gave us such wonderful things to enjoy.

The reason this helps me is because I used to sit down to a bowl of chocolate ice cream and feel guilty about how much I like the ice cream. Now, I realize that when I sit down to the bowl of chocolate ice cream, God wants me to enjoy it. So I enjoy it and I try to marvel at God and the grace involved both in my ability to taste and in someone's ability to craft such a wonderful dessert.

So we don't have to be either/or. You can be mindful of God even in the midst of busyness. So if you are having a hard (or very good) day at the office or with the kids, talk to God about your day. Remind yourself of the promises he gave you which apply right in those situations. Look for things to thank him for. Recognize all the blessings he has given you and wants you to enjoy. Another very good book which addresses this idea of communing with God in all we do is a A Praying Life by Paul Miller.

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