Where did the layout of protestant worship come from?


Accepted answer

One way to think about this is to think about their history. Many Protestant churches stem from the Catholic Church; their liturgy is derived from the Catholic liturgy at the time (potentially with some evolution). A good example to consider might be the Anglicans. This explains why the more "conservative" Protestant services are similar.

However, there are many other Protestant churches were formed by splitting off from other Protestant churches - a process that can go on for quite a bit (turtles all the way down!). The further you get from the "source" (in this case, the Catholic church), the larger the difference in liturgies.


Protestants encompass a wide variety of denominations who loosely share some history. They don't even all trace back to the same reformation (for example, Baptists split from the Anglicans, who separated from the Catholics before the reformation we associate with Martin Luther).

That said, many denominations have their own "normal" order of service. The denomination's beliefs will affect the structure, as will the degree of control that the denomination can exercise over individual churches.

Structured denominations that haven't gone comparatively far beyond the separation from the Catholics will have more rigid structure. Charismatics have a whole thing about the Spirit moving, so will be more flexible and will include things like speaking in tongues and prophesying showing up regularly. Denominations where the authority is mostly or completely vested at the level of the local church (Baptists, especially independent Baptists, for example) will have the order of service vary from one church to the next based on the congregation or leadership team's preferences or convictions.

In short, the order of service you're seeing is sort of a regional thing that comes from either those specific churches or those specific denominations. While there are roots going back to pre-split catholic services, they've all undergone changes independently since.

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