A "difficult person" can be anyone you know or don't know.
For example a "difficult person" can be someone you do not know personally
A "difficult person" can be someone you know personally
The girl who broke your heart for the first time
The childhood bully
A "difficult person" can be someone entirely different
For example it is easy to do Meththa mediation to a deer or a rabbit because they are cute innocent animals. But have you tried Doing mettha to a snake or a shark?
"One day a monk died because of a sanke bite and rest of the monks asked Lord Buddha why he died.Lord Buddha said "Even though he did meththa he did not concentrated it to snakes and because of this reason his meththa was incomplete.That is why he was attacked."
You must consider why you have left some out of your meditation and join those animals or people.But this does not mean you should take every creature alone and meditate on them.
May triple gems bless you!