'Knowledge & vision of things as they actually are' is the complete contemplation of not-self (although not-self can be observed in some ways when concentration starts to develop).
An individual who wants to get into the practise Saddhamma in its truest sense needs to be grounded in Sila. Better still is to have sila-visuddhi (purification of virtue), once Saddha (Confidence) is firmly instilled within. The mind never leans towards kusala kamma (wholesome volitional actions) without saddha (faith and confidence. This is true also in the case of effort to achieve sila-visuddhi (purification of virtue), and in the study of the sacred texts. Sila-visuddhi (purification of virtue) resembles the enclosure as a defense against outside forces.
One who is established in Sila and comes to Saddha, sees things in their proper perspective. i.e. in the light of Anichcha (Impermanence), Dukka (Suffering), and Anatta (Absence of โIโ). This firm basis is a part and parcel of his personality and remains with him all the time.
Whatever that is unsatisfactory is not self. Whatever is impermanent is not satisfactory. This is a realisation by direct experience not a form of contemplation. This realisation happens at the stage of "knowledge & vision of things as they actually" which in turn triggers the next stage.