Is my Meditation Practice Too Busy?


Accepted answer

The reflections you are doing are both excellent & necessary however they are the development of right view and not the development of right concentration. The development of concentration is developing a quiet & still mind. In developing a quiet & still mind, the right view reflections you are doing are used only when a hindrance arises or when grasping/attachment to meditation arises.


Encompassing all that you do within 20 minutes is both honorable and perhaps not the best practice all rolled into one. Simply focus on the breath to begin. It will be your guide. Thanissaro Bhikkhu has excellent videos on YouTube that make the practice seem easy. Metta/Loving Kindness meditation is a great way to end the day if you would like to continue the practice.


Yes, this does sound quite busy. Try keeping your attention sustained on the breath, using the breath to relax the entire body in a way that feels good. Be mindful of pleasant feeling filling your experience from attention on the breath and relaxation. When the body is full of pleasant feeling and you are comfortable and satisfied within your meditation, being mindful of bliss and joy, you have reached the first jhana. Give yourself 30 mins to reach this stage. Try not counting and bringing in other concepts. Just stay with the breath, cultivating pleasant feeling. This method is in line with the Buddha's original instructions. This is right Samadhi. Subscription to teacher or monastery is not required.

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