What chapter of the Abhidharmartha Pradipika talks about infinite universes?


Accepted answer

It is in ...

  1. AN 3.80.
  2. The Path of Purification, Six Recollection, Recollection into Buddha's Value.(Visuddhimagga ChaAnussatiNiddesa BuddhanussatiKatha).
  3. AbhidhammatthaVibhavini 5th Chapter.
  4. etc.

Abhidhanappadipika is a Glossary explanation.


Anguththara Nkaya Ananda wagga 10. chulanika suththa. sahassi loka dhathu, dwi sahassi loka dhathu > Describe galaxies.


Abhidharmarthapradipika can be read here in four volumes, but it is all in Sinhalese. You will need to find a translator or someone who can read it for you. I don't know if it has been translated.

http://m.budaedu.org/ebooks/p6-2-SR.php (search this for "PRADIPIKA") http://ftp.budaedu.org/ebooks/pdf/SR041.pdf (Vol. 1)

The rest of the volumes are on the first link.

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