Can one meditate in the "anechoic" chamber?


Accepted answer

I don't think it really matters. When I meditate, sometimes I hear a car passing or a bird singing or a child laughing in the distance; sometimes I hear a scrap of music in my head, dredged up from some distant memory; sometimes I hear the sound of my breathing, or my heart beating, or the creak of a joint as my body settles. These are just sounds, of no particular importance. They come and they go. For someone unpracticed in meditation that kind of silence would be disorienting, because the outer silence exposes all of their inner noise. But meditation reaches for inner quietness.


I never been to anechoic chamber but I think that place is favorable for such deep meditation because when we meditate we become more aware of ourselves some use body scan techniques while meditating in that kind of meditation if we are about to hear our heartbeat and blood flow it'll be easy to become more aware of ourselves
usually while meditating we focus our breath and if mind wanders we again shift focus to breath and also we listen to voices around us become more aware so in my opinion I think it'll be easy to become aware in anechoic chamber this kind of chamber reminds me of Buddha caves in ajantha in india


Yes in a video ajahn brahm said that ajahn chah went into such a room. I think he said there was nothing special according to ajahn Chah. The video was some Q&A, but you can ask for more on his forum

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