Why mind is all set to achieve something unknown during meditation?


Accepted answer

"Is it not a kind of craving?"

If you're asking whether a craving for enlightenment is a kind of craving, I think the answer is "yes".

That kind of craving is mentioned e.g. in the Bhikkhuni Sutta:

This body comes into being through craving. And yet it is by relying on craving that craving is to be abandoned.

And in the Brahmana Sutta:

Brahman, there is the case where a monk develops the base of power endowed with concentration founded on desire & the fabrications of exertion. He develops the base of power endowed with concentration founded on persistence... concentration founded on intent... concentration founded on discrimination & the fabrications of exertion. This, Brahman, is the path, this is the practice for the abandoning of that desire."

"If that's so, Master Ananda, then it's an endless path, and not one with an end, for it's impossible that one could abandon desire by means of desire.



There is craving and intention. Enlightened people had intention but not craving to achieve their goal which is what you should aim to develop. Craving for the goal also will set you back.

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