Has Ram Bahadur Bomjon already proclamed that he is a Buddha?


It's possible for someone to attain the Noble Fruits (Streamentry, Oncereturn, Nonreturn, Arahant) but not SammaSamBuddha (Fully Enlightened One) when the Dispensation still exists. From MN 115:

It is impossible that two rightfully Enlightened Ones should be born in the same world element at one and same time.

Ven. Bodhi's note:

It's impossible that two Fully Enlightened Ones could arise contemporaneously in one world system: from the time a bodhisatta takes his final conception in his mother's womb until his Dispensation has completely disappeared. Detail at Miln 236-39.


I am a victim of Ram Bahadur Bomjon, the "Buddha Boy" of Nepal: Obviously anyone who abducts people, holds them on chains for months (like me), tortures them brutally (like me), rapes nuns (like Ganga Maya Tamang), thrashes people to blood and fractures (like me, Anil Khatri, 9 shepherds, 17 Madeshis of Manarhawa, Jason of Australia, his own mother and siblings) and even kills people (his own sister Manu, a retired US psychiatrist Dr. Moore, and apparently his 5 disappeared nuns and monks Chinimaya Tamang, Fulmaya Rumba, Suresh Ale Magar, Sancha Lal Waiba, Rita Bot) - such a person cannot, at the best will and wish, be even near to anything named Buddha!

If the easily available sources on Google about all these crime accusations are still not enough to you, please watch the videos of respected Buddhist lamas i Nepal who are proving, from the authority of Buddhist teachings, that Bomjon cannot be a Buddha and even less the Maitreya, as he claims:

https://youtu.be/GGgIcF2XAzI https://youtu.be/vAyXJ0z98B0 https://youtu.be/BqpnFHYRnxM https://youtu.be/0Y9SG6GNKEQ https://youtu.be/1Ftjln60UEg


The international and Nepali media, as well as direct witnesses and victims had described Bomjon as too far from even from a normal ethically firm human beings, far from a law-abiding person and too far from compassion. He had attacked seriously dozens of people, luring his victims to himself through promises of secret initiations. They come to his jungle, for a few days or weeks are loved and cared by his resident "Sangha", and at one point, out of the blue, attacked at Bomjon's order by maroon-robed monks, chained or locked up in his secret houses, beaten with sticks and hands to black and blue, and many of them kept for weeks and even as long as 3 months in his captivity, telling to the outside world that they are in "secluded meditation"! During that, further tortures are inflicted on these victims, if they are women, often even raped and tortured so extremely that two of his victims did not survive. Yet, unfortunately, he has a political backing in his country, and huge money resources, especially from foreign devotees, who are securely kept away from learning the truth.

Have a look at these sights, among many others you can easily Google out:



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