MN 36 parallels for section where Buddha as a 9 year old boy has first jhana


I could find the part about the 4 jhanas instead of only the first jhana, but I could not find the part about the earthworms.

From Ekottarāgama 31.8 of the Taisho Tripitaka:

「爾時,我作 是念:『今日可食一果。』爾時我便食一果。當 我食一果之日,身形萎弱不能自起居,如 年百二十,骨節離散不能扶持。比丘當知, 爾時一果者,如似今日小棗耳。爾時,我復作 是念:『非我成道之本,故當更有餘道。』爾時, 我復作是念:『我自憶昔日,在父王樹下無 婬、無欲,除去惡不善法,遊於初禪;無覺、 無觀,遊於二禪;念清淨無有眾想,遊於 三禪;無復苦樂,意念清淨,遊於四禪。此或 能是道,我今當求此道。』

Using Google Translate, I got:

"At this time, I just said: "I can eat one fruit today." At this time, I eat one fruit. When I eat one fruit, I am weak and unable to live by myself. For example, when I am a hundred and twenty, my joints cannot be separated. Support. Bhikkhus should know that when there is a fruit, it is like today's jujube ears. When you are here, I repeat it by saying: "It is not the foundation of my enlightenment, so I should have more surplus." "I recall from the past, under my father’s tree, there was no lust, no desire, no evil and unwholesome dhammas, swimming in the first meditation; no awareness, no insight, swimming in the second meditation; pure mind without many thoughts, swimming in the third meditation; Resume suffering and happiness, pure mind, swim in the four meditations. This may be the Tao, I should ask for it now."

The Chinese used in the agama is probably a bit different from modern Chinese, so the machine translation may be inaccurate.

Ekottarāgama is the Sanskrit equivalent of the Pali collection of Aṅguttara Nikāya.

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