Can I ask the company to invite me via the police authority?
Your entry into the EU is not a basic human right. A visa is a privilege and not a right at least in your case. If you are getting your visas refused and appeals rejected you can not ask police or any form of law enforcement to help you. They will laugh it off. Unless your sponsor is a government organization a sponsor does not have any authority over the immigration officials in deciding visa applications.
Your applications are unable to satisfy the officers that you seek a non immigrant entry and subsequently intend to leave after your trip. As has already been stated in the comments, you need professional assistance with this. Consult an immigration solicitor.
I have to travel to check the company production lines and finish financial transactions
They don't care a dime about that. If you don't satisfy the ECO you are not going there, that company can do whatever.
Sorry if it sounds harsh, but sugar coating won't help you. Don't feel entitled to receive that visa, seek assistance from a solicitor.