Malaysia "visa free" multiple exit and return


  1. There is no such thingy as a 3 month Visa allowed for visa free countries. Every entry is one visit.

  2. For every visit, you will be allowed 30 /90 days VISIT (country to country basis).

  3. There is no visa sticker issued for EU citizens. Those who were issued stickers visa is for specific purpose for long term visits. Malaysian Visa Issuance (Free Visa) is for tourists, is for entry purpose only. A Visit Pass is stamped into the travelers passport for the purpose of living inside for a specific period of time.

For your case.. it would be advisable to perform "round circular trip" rather than to make any countries to be a base country. More than 3 "in and out" trips, you can be "deny entry / NTL" by any ASEAN countries nowadays even if you have a valid passport. Visa runs is no longer tolerated in ASEAN countries. In the coming 2020, a NTL from one country can also attract a NTL from Fellow ASEAN countries

Just plan your trip wisely to avoid any innocent blacklisting of your travels.


Malaysian immigration will have to issue you a new visa-free sticker everytime you arrive and that wouldn't be a problem. As long you have a return ticket before the end of visa free period and accommodation, they'll happily let you come to the country. They might question you regarding your purpose to visit to Malaysia and as long as that matches the conditions of visa-free entrance, they'll be fine with it.

Visa runs are more like staying in Malaysia for 3 months and then and make a trip to come back for another 3 months, essentially making it 6 months. In your case it's all simply within 3 months.

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