Schengen Visa for Job Interview, Minimum balance in Account


Accepted answer

There is no minimum balance requirement. What is required is:

  1. Proof of legal income.
  2. Proof of ties to home (such as property, steady job, income, investments, family) so that you are compelled to return.
  3. Ability to financially support your trip.

Now, for #3, the majority of your costs are being paid by your (potential) employer. They should prepare a letter (on their letterhead, and signed by an authorized person) addressed to the embassy which states the following:

  1. Your complete name (as in your passport)
  2. The dates of your travel.
  3. The purpose of your trip.
  4. The costs being covered (accommodation, travel ticket, daily expenses)

A sample letter template could be:

To Visa Officer, Belgian Consulate General in India:

I/We have invited Mr. Nambaliya to Belgium for the purposes of interviewing him for the position of ___________ from __ / __ / 2017 till __ / __ / 2017.

For the purposes of the above mentioned trip, I/We will pay and assuming the following costs:

  1. Return air ticket to/from _________ .
  2. Hotel accommodation from __ / __ / 2017 till __ / ___ / 2017.
  3. Per Diem in the amount of ________ .

Sincerely Yours,

Mr. CEO or HR Manager The Company

That letter, along with the normal documents:

  1. Your salary certificate
  2. Your bank statement(s)
  3. Pay slips + tax documents
  4. Ticket + Hotel (provided by your hosts)


  • You need money for your cost of living during the trip, and it must be clear where it comes from. In this case, it comes from your company. Show those documents.
  • You need a stable financial situation where you come from. That's not just a question of having a minimum balance in the bank, it is a question of earning more than you spend, in a legal, predictable, and well documented pattern.

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