In Germany (and the rest of the Schengen area), there is no such thing as a “tourist visa” but only short-stay visas covering many different purposes. Actual work requires an additional permission (before you apply for the visa) but attending a job interview typically does not.
Importantly, the application form has a box where you specify the purpose of the trip. Simply check “Other” and write “Job interview” (do submit evidence that you have been invited to a job interview, e.g. a letter from your prospective employer, as well). This way, the purpose of the trip will be completely unambiguous and you will know that your visa was issued with this in mind.
There is also such a thing as a “job search” visa but my understanding is that it is intended for people who want to stay in Germany looking for a job for more than three months (up to six I think), not for people who just want to go in and out for an interview. You could always ask the consulate about that one however (be aware however that very few of those are issued every year, you really need stellar qualifications and, this being Germany, quite a bit of paperwork to get one).