UK student visitor refused, what to do next?


Assuming that you correctly transcribed your refusal notice...

I have refused your application for a visit visa because I am not satisfied that you meet the requirements of paragraph A57 of Appendix V: Immigration rules for Visitor because:

When a refusal notice cites the wrong rule, or a non-existing rule, you can send it back to the issuing post with a brief complaint stating something to the effect of

"...Appendix V of the Immigration Rules does not contain a Paragraph A57. Paragraph A57 might be referring to Paragraph A57A of Part 3 of the Immigration Rules but I am unable to be certain of your meaning. Because of this I am unable to understand the grounds for my refusal. Would you please handle this as a complaint..."

They will not reverse their decision, but if they agree with you (and they will agree given that there's no such rule), you might be awarded a gratis application the next time you apply. They will also send you a revised notice which cites the correct grounds for their refusal and this will enable you to apply more effectively the next time.

Also, since they obviously wanted to get you on a parking strategy, you should read this before making your next application: UK Visa Refusal: Provenance of funds/parking

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