UK Visitor visa refused due to unexplained bank deposits (V4.2 (a-c)). What are my options?


Accepted answer

This is a classic case of 'funds parking'.

They do not understand the movements of cash in your bank account and when this happens they make a tacit assumption that...

  • the funds may not be truly yours; or
  • the funds were obtained through an illegal enterprise; or
  • you are money laundering (even for a small amount); or
  • you have contrived in some way to create the illusion that your financial situation is healthier than it actually is (this strategy will absolutely get them upset)

The usual reaction to funds parking is to refuse on Appendix V 4.2 (a) + (c) of the rules and this is what happened in your case. Those grounds are something like a coded way of saying that they do not believe you are a genuine visitor and hence you are likely to go underground once you arrive in the UK.

They also cited part of Paragraph 320 ("...genuinely seeking entry for a purpose that is permitted by the visitor routes..."). When they start throwing that kind of text into a refusal notice it usually means they got really upset. Although they didn't refuse on P320, I would take this part of your refusal with deep sobriety.

Maybe you are innocent; maybe not, it doesn't matter. Deposits in a bank account should be explained and traced back all the way back to where they originated and the onus is on YOU to establish the provenance of your funds.

Having said all of that, let's look at your question...

Can I reapply right now?

Yes, there is no cooling-off period for a failed visitor application. As soon as you get your passport back from the VFS you can apply on the next day. It's not a great idea in your case because composing and polishing and proofing your explanation will take some time. Rushing in to it invites back-to-back refusals and then matters will be exponentially worse.

Note: The term "funds parking" was coined on this site as a metaphor that describes a visa application strategy. "Relaxed", a senior member of the community here gave a definition of the term in this article: What is 'funds parking' in the context of UK visa applications?. There is no point in trying to "Google" the term because it is TSE argot and exists nowhere else. It's etymology as a dodgy practice can be found at Parking.

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