Twice UK business visitor visa refusal because of large deposit, what next?


You applied for a UK visa twice (apparently back-to-back) and used a funds parking strategy, i.e., someone parked funds in your account with the intent of making you appear to be more solvent than you actually are. It is a type of dishonesty and they do not like it, but worse, it damages your credibility going forward.

Showing a hefty bank balance is helpful, but it's only about 20% of what they are looking for. A much heavier weight, say 80%, is given to periodic, predictable flows in and out of the account that show a durable economic connection to your base, in your case Egypt. I.e., that you are a stable person with substantial ties to Egypt. The ECO pointed out that your accounts did not tie out to the job you claimed to have and this was a show-stopper in its own right. So the funds parking strategy was doomed from the outset.

They got you on V 4.2 (a) and (c) on both applications. In this context it means they concluded that you were not a bona fide applicant and that would most likely go underground when you got here and there are no ties to Egypt that would motivate you to return to Egypt.

To make matters more complex, you applied back-to-back without fixing the reasons they refused the first time. They wanted to see a stable job situation and a proper series of bank statements that tied everything together. You gave neither of those and they refused again. Now matters are worse.

"I cannot tell them I have borrowed this money as you know."

Why not? If you borrowed the money they would appreciate knowing the details about it because that preserves your credibility. It's far better to get refused on technical grounds rather than funds parking because credibility problems are hard to fix.

"shall I wait for six months for example and submit a fresh bank statement with a fresh application or it will be a waste of time?"

It's a waste of time. As I pointed out having a large sum of money in your bank account is only a small part of the picture. The bank statements need to map in to your job and living expenses with periodic deposits and predictable withdrawals. The higher priority is convincing them that you are employed because they didn't believe what you told them about your job: From these documents I am not satisfied that you are in receipt of your stated monthly income or therefore that your circumstances in Egypt are as stated.

"will they treat the third application with its merits or they will consider the previous refusal reasons and will ask for the origin of the large deposit again?"

They will always want to know the origin of all deposits, part of their charter is to assure that you have obtained your money legally, not a drug dealer, trafficker, prostitute, smuggler and so on...

Even though they say future applications are assessed on their merit, they will take your previous refusals into account and thus will be informed that you're a person who is not entirely transparent about their circumstances. That will hurt you. Moreover, I don't think six months is adequate to get into a believable employment situation and establish substantial ties to Egypt, but perhaps it's possible.

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