Schengen Visa Extension - Important Personal Reasons



Does she actually have a Visa or is she travelling on the 90/180 rule as a visa free person?

Based on the given samples, private reasons do not seem to fullfil the condition:

Examples of important personal reasons: Urgent business or professional reasons which were not foreseeable before entry

However the last portion does offer a chance for a reasonable solution.

Assuming that no booking for the trip for the rest of the family has been made, an clearly stated letter of intention that, on condition that your step daughter leave to remain is extended, that a common vacation of the whole family would be made - that was not part of the original plan.

Together with the Application form she should apply for this at the local Foreigners office (you may have to use a form from that local office).

It would then be up to them to deside to make an exception or not.


This is county specific, so each country may deal with this differently. In Germany an extension may only be applied for locally and if extended it is done immediately. Going to the Portuguese embassy may not be of much use.


As she is a US citizen, I'm assuming that she is doing this course of study using her short-stay visa-free privileges. This allows her 90 days in any 180 day period. There is no "extension of permitted stay" for short stays regardless of whether you are a visa-exempt or visa-required national. If she wanted to stay over 90 days in any 180 day period then she would have to have petitioned for a D-visa.

The Austrians have this to say:

In principle it is not possible to apply for a visa in Austria nor to have it renewed/extended. Once the visa expires you have to – unless you have been granted a residence title – leave the Schengen area.

According to the European External Action Service:

  1. Can my visa be extended?

When applying for a visa extension, you must show that due to force majeure or for humanitarian reasons or for serious personal reasons it is not possible for you to leave the territory of Member States before the expiry of your visa or the authorized period of stay.

In short, not really. She will have to leave after her 90 days if she wants to obey the rules.

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