Landing questions at a USA airport


You can probably expect landing interview questions like:

  • Where do you live?
  • Where are you going?
  • What do you plan to do there?
  • Where are you staying?
  • What do you do for a job?
  • When do you plan to leave the US?

If the officer does not like one of your answers, they can ask you an unlimited number of additional questions.


The questions vary but there are several one which come up quite often:

  • Where are you going?
  • How long are you staying?
  • Where do you work?

These are by far the most common, but they also regularly ask:

  • Why are you going there?
  • Do you know anyone at the destination?
  • Who are you travelling with?

After starting with one of these questions, they usually follow up on your response. In my experience, if you volunteer more information than required, they usually ask more follow up question. Although a lot of follow up questions, come up naturally. If you respond that you are going to a conference, they can ask what type of conference or something like who is the sponsor?, who is paying for you conference? etc.

It is possible for them to ask about previous trips too but in my experience this almost never happens except if you have stamps from certain hot zones such as Afghanistan & North Korea, among others.

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