Are there border checks on the Kosovo-Serbia (Mitrovica-Kraljevo) train?


Accepted answer

Yup, Kosovar guards boarded at Jarinje (last Kosovo station) and briefly checked everyone for two minutes and then got off. Then at Rudnica (first Serbian station) Serbian guards boarded and started the check after the Train left the Station. They wrote down some stuff on a Piece of paper whilst checking everyone's ID (including my Swedish ID Card), and then got off the train at the next stop.

Exiting Serbia to Montenegro by bus was completely painless - they just took my ID for scanning and gave it back 10 minutes later


This is not a direct answer to your question, but it might be the answer that you need.

A few months ago, I tried to cross, by public bus, from Kosovo to Serbia. Serbia does not recognise Kosovo's independence so, technically, there is no border.

The formalities took only minutes, but there was a check on both sides of the 'border'. What's more, because I am neither Kosovar nor Serb (but hold a Dutch passport), I was not allowed to cross (by the Serbs) and had to make my way to Macedonia to get into Serbia.

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