Spain car rental: Extra driver with recent driving license


Accepted answer

Sixt allows to rent a car if you have a license and you're at least 18:

Disposiciones relativas a la edad

Para la edad mínima y de permiso de conducción se aplican determinadas reglas, que se guían por el vehículo correspondiente y podrán incluir el proceso de reserva. Básicamente, la edad mínima para cada conductor es de 18 años (permiso de conducir a la edad mínima de 1 día). Una variación de la edad mínima es posible, dependiendo del vehículo.

A los conductores menores de 23 años se les factura una tasa adicional.

They will charge you extra, not sure how much, but it can be done. Maybe not all vehicles can be rented, though. Check the details with them.


Yes you can rent a car with an extra driver. Enterprise will charge you an extra fee if the driver(s) are under 25. Enterprise will allow you to drive from one location and drop off at another Enterprise location. You will have to specify that in your reservation. However, the driving age in Spain is 18. So if your friend is less than 18, he/she will not be allowed to drive.

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